The Big Witness (A Dragnet Fan Fiction Story) -- Chapter Seven
The Big Witness (A Dragnet Fan Fiction Story) By: Kristi N. Zanker Disclaimer: All publicly recognized characters, settings, etc. are the property of Mark VII Limited and Universal. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I, in no way am associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Dragnet . No copyright infringement is intended. Warning: This chapter contains some strong language and violence. Chapter Seven Joe drifted in and out of sleep. This time, in his dream, he was a little boy, not more than nine years old. For his birthday, Ma Friday had bought him a brand new, crisp, clean white button-down shirt to wear to school that day, along with a beautiful wooden box to put all of his pencils and crayons into. The lid had an inlaid tile pattern that bordered around the case. All of the buttons on the shirt were accounted for—unlike the ones he wore where his mother had to constantly reattach them. In fact, she didn't...