The Big Witness (A Dragnet Fan Fiction Story) -- Chapter Four
The Big Witness (A Dragnet Fan Fiction Story) By: Kristi N. Zanker Disclaimer: All publicly recognized characters, settings, etc. are the property of Mark VII Limited and Universal. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I, in no way am associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Dragnet . No copyright infringement is intended. Warning: This chapter contains some strong language and mild sexual situations. Chapter Four As Joe ascended the concrete steps, suitcase in hand, he could hear through the screen door, Ma Friday and Dorothy talking from somewhere inside the house. Just as he was about to pull open the door, he heard his mother say, "…but Joe doesn't really talk about the war that much…." to which he yanked open and slammed it shut, albeit a little too hard. The smell of pot roast, although enticing to his growling stomach, was not able to curb his mood. Any happiness he had felt on the way home from ...